social media marketing strategy

5 most powerful social media marketing strategy

The most helpful strategy is to know how to build an audience that truly loves receiving new posts and updates from your business. I have been into social media strategy for quite a long time now, although I am still learning And I learned a lot from both offline and online marketing, in this article, I will only share the online part, so here are the Top 3 Social media marketing strategy that everyone should follow.

1.Share Content That Audience Wants

You have to know your target audience. You as a business should know what they love to consume in online platforms like Instagram, Facebook and other social media. In the past, I’ve seen people have grown social media accounts from 0 to 7,000 followers in 3 months on a $100/month budget simply by knowing what their target audience was and what they wanted to see on their social media feed. Knowing what they want to see raises the odds of them sharing your posts. And when they share your posts, you increase your audience retention.

social media marketing strategy
Inspiration Abode Instagram Feed

If you want to reach people that love marketing content, then you have to share prominent articles that teach them new strategies and ideas for marketing. If you want to reach housewives, then share articles that housewives have never read before and will add some values in their life. It’s that easy yet many companies do not take the extra step to actually retain their audience. And this is sad because there are a ton of opportunities that they are missing out.

2. Improve your Content Strategy

Now you have a more solid understanding of your targeted customers or audience on the social media channels. It’s time to create a solid content strategy. Don’t focus on the only text-based post like just a blog post use videos, infographics, quotes, tips, and images, etc. Make your content informative and give as much value you can to your audience so that they can share your content with other people as well.

it is critical to developing a strategy while working on any Social Media strategy. Before beginning a strategy to Social Media Campaign for any business, there are a few things you should know that are a Complete idea on your business, Selection of Social Media Profiles(According to the business category, location, age group), Rules of the Social Media Profiles and the following point While planning we should keep in mind the social media trends and customer mindset. Aim of the Content: We should have a clear idea why are we sharing the content on our profiles. Is it for

  1. Is it for Sales in the business?
  2. Is it for Network enhancement?
  3. It is for Gaining trust in your business?
  4. Is it For popularity with engagement?

Sharing the content with the above-given point is not just enough. Beside this, We should analyze it further whether the content is accomplishing your purpose or not. I think the above tips would help anyone to build their own strategy for Social Media Campaign.

3. Engage With your Audience

Enticing someone to one post on social media is great. But you get more advance results when you can actually engage your audience. You can engage them in a way where they will look forward to every new post or content you create.

I’ve run campaigns in a post where it was saying that we would post something new on Friday. On Thursday we would have people write posts saying they were excited to the news article that would come out the next day. These people were hooked – in other words, they loved what we were doing. Go live sometimes, arrange QnA videos or content, this will help you to know your audience better and whenever in the future you try to sell them something they would actually respond in it.

I like to define social media engagement as a long-term relationship like a marriage. Just Like a relationship takes time and patience, and the sense to consider the foreseeable future to ensure that everyone’s happy. According to a Forrester report,

“engagement is the level of involvement, interaction, intimacy, and influence an individual has with a brand over time.”

Simply put, social media engagement includes the number of likes, shares, and comments that your social updates receive. As a social media marketer, I consider that engagement should be the number one is of focus, and that too for many reasons. It presents signs of growth and progress that you can evaluate and eventually add to your planning. For example, if your Twitter handle has a widespread reach with low engagement, that’s usually a negative, because it proves your content hasn’t resonated well with your audience.

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4. Provide a Seamless, Cohesive Visual Experience

Social media marketing has done far more than changing the way consumers shop; it has changed the way consumers view the Web in general. This most clearly applies to how your ads – and their accompanying landing pages overall visual.

Offering users a sleek, clear visual experience is almost (if not equally) as significant as the messaging of your ads themselves. Think about it. If a user sees a well-designed, aesthetically appealing ad then clicks through to an awful-looking landing page, it’s going to be a major turn-off that could possibly result in a lost lead or sale. For this reason, it’s crucial that your ad creative is both well-designed and seamless from beginning to end. This means that landing pages should match their ads perfectly, in both appearance and messaging.

5. Build Communities Around Relevant Hashtags

Despite what some experts would have us believe, hashtags are alive and well on social media. However, hashtags are far more beneficial than serving as a means of assisting users to find related content – they can also be used to foster and establish communities of loyal fans and brand advocates.

This technique’s key strength isn’t just the ease with which this can be Initiated, but the fact that the same hashtag can be used across several social media platforms. This enables you to cross-pollinate your opinion throughout several social campaigns, granting users a clear experience regardless of where they interact with your brand.

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