Marketing in low budget

6 ways to Do Marketing in low budget

learning the trick of marketing in low budget is highly required for a startup or any business looking to catch up with the marketing in a resourceful manner. There are tons of marketing channels that can help you ease up your marketing expenses and giving an organic boost towards the zoo of people on the internet.

I have been into marketing and entrepreneurship since my final year of college, I have been still learning, now I am sharing with you my ways of Doing marketing in a low budget, researched and evaluated.

Marketing your business online inexpensively is a real possibility. You can practically market your business for free if you know what to do.

1. Content Marketing

Content Marketing is one of the most powerful marketing weapons in your strategy. In fact, you can apply the relevant content for all types of marketing including every inexpensive way. You have to create content that sells, educates, engages, informs and excites. Contnet marketing helps you to connect with your targeted customer through various mediums- like in audio,video or written format.

As for now, I think that the most popular content marketing strategy right now is Podcasting which is in audio format, anyone can plugin and start listening to their favourite episode on the go. This is how impactful Content marketing is.

Recommended Reading >> 4 Best Ways to Do Content Marketing in 2021

2. Social Media

Social media for example- LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram all have a significance in your online marketing attempts. First, You have to determine which social media networks will work for you and it will depend on your niche and your relevant audience.

Which social media platform is mostly used by your audience, and what type of content they want to see and prefer there. Then according to that start curating your content marketing strategy for your business, and I think this is perhaps one of the most resourceful way and which you can do in low budget as well, use tools like canva to create free and beautiful social media posts or video to make it more engaging.

curating social media content

3. Start Blogging

Blogging can be a great source to drive free traffic to your website and at the same time you can earn money througjh it by putting ads and affiliate links in between your content. If you would ask me to name my top low budget marketing sources then Blogging will definitely will me on my top list.

For those who are new to the blogging world, it simply means that you need to write content/articles in your website in order to drive traffic from Google search engine through optimizing your content based on the SEO or search engine optimization. Write content in such a way that will be helpful to google’ audience, write articles that solves queries of people who are searching on Google or other search engines.

4.Perform SEO

If you are not accustomed to SEO (search engine optimization), then it’s necessary to learn it.

In simple words, Search engine optimization (SEO) is the method of improving the quantity and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via “natural” (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results for specific keywords that people often search on the internet. Usually, the earlier a site is presented in the search results, or the higher it “ranks”, the more visitor it will Get. SEO can also target diverse kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.


SEO is used as a budget-friendly marketing strategy for building a site’s relevance, SEO studies how search algorithms work and what people search for. SEO applications may include a site’s coding, performance, UI/UX, structure, as well as fixing problems that could prevent search engine indexing programs from fully founding a site. Other, more noticeable efforts may include writing or curating unique content to a site, assuring that content is regularly indexed by search engine robots, and giving the site more appealing to users.

5.Optimize Your Website

The website you have is your storefront, and an online presentation of the brand you have. Impressing your vistors by quality and awe-inspiring content can outshine your growth which is taken as a powerful ranking factor in the eyes of serach engines.

Marketing in low budget
Zoomedin Pixel Website Site Audit By GTmetrix

Most important factor for optimizing Website

  • No confusing user interface
  • Smooth navigation
  • Use of relevant colour codes
  • optimized for search engines to index
  • writing valuable articles and content that gives value to search queries
  • Proper backlinking strategy.

6.Join Relevant Communities

Communities are a great and budget-friendly way to get your name and exposure out there. There are communities you can join on Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as self-hosted and “inner circles” and expert clubs that you can join some might be paid but it is worth it, moreover They can assist you to get known as an expert, and will also be beneficial to drive sales or traffic to your landing page or website.

I have recently joined few groups on Facebook to learn and get advice from other people just because I am in e-commerce and I also sell on an e-commerce site called Esty.

Etsy Groups
Etsy Groups on Facebook

That sums it all up, in a low budget you can capture myriad areas that leverage your brain exposure and aiding to serve your community and people that matter most to your business. So What are your thoughts on this, drop your comment below and I will answer to each one of you.

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