Facebook advertising tips

Powerful Facebook advertising tips for small business

Facebook advertising tips might sound bit quirky, but indeed is one of the most profitable channels to sales to your product and services. In Order to run Facebook ads that convert You have to look at your competitors to see what is working and most importantly to know your target audiences as well.

Have you ever notice on your news feed, you get some ads that come through after you like a page. For example, if you are a chef, you start getting ads on cooking, or several pans to use etc. Facebook algorithm is studying the behaviours of the user and fires the ads according to what content they have searched for before. Recently I bumped onto this following ad on Facebook.

Facebook advertising tips

You can use this as an advantage and save these ads to write a good attracting similar landing pages with tweaks. Facebook Ad Library works pretty good to pull up every active ad that is running. You can type a certain company, brand or name and pull up their ad and even click in the URL to see what type landing page they are using.

Facebook advertising tips

There is no doubt that Facebook extends a lot of perks to your business. If you know the right Facebook advertising tips that will unquestionably help you to grow your business. If you want to create an effective Facebook Ads for your business, these following tips will assist you to gain a concrete return on your ad investment.

Facebook advertising tips for Small Businesses

There’s not an exact formula on the “successful Facebook Ads strategy.” There are numbers of factors in effect that directly affect your Ads’ performance despite strategy.

That being said, during my experience running ads on this platform, I would like to give you what I summon my key points for Facebook Ads Success. As I said, these are not a foolproof formula but they will serve you well as a knowledge base to scale your account.

  • Make sure your pixel is up -The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that enables you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website. You can use the pixel to Make sure that your ads are displayed to the right people. This is probably the first step before you start running your ads. Download the Facebook Pixel Helper extension in Chrome to check all the events you need are active or not. Without a perfect integration of the pixel, you are just losing money as you cannot retarget your audiences later on.
swamic lifestyle facebook pixel
Source – www.swamic.com
  • Start small– Facebook’s algorithm requires time to learn who your possible customers are. It takes time for them to determine which type of audience they need to show your ads, Therefore doesn’t think setting a huge budget at first thinking that it will drive you the sales you want for cheap. Start with $5 per day and analyse the Data.

  • Build a Compact Ad Sets- Create an uncomplicated structure. This means having the less possible amount of ad sets and campaigns active at the same time. This will enable you to have a better vision of where your money is going and, at the same time, it will allow the algorithm to learn better and faster.

  • Bear your funnel in mind- It can be tempting to launch your ads to push conversions from day one. However, start by concentrating on traffic to then, capitalize both in Remarketing and LookaLikes audiences ( A Lookalike Audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they’re similar to your best existing customers). This is a reliable way to also know your customer better, and solve any potential issues with your website or UX.

  • Don’t run your ads with your emotions– it’s natural to feel excited when good results start to come in. The secret sauce to scaling your account, and therefore your profits, is to gradually raise your spending, this way the AI behind the ads platforms will be able to keep producing the results you are looking for at a similar price. The same principle applies to when things go wrong. Make choices after you have given enough time (depends on your customers’ behaviour) for your ads to deliver results.
  • Target the relevant audiences- Always keep in mind that you create and run you every Facebook Ad has a purpose. Without purpose, you can’t reach your target audiences. For the purpose of increasing your reach to a high number of people, you should focus on reaching the right audiences.

  • Get the landing page Right-The person who clicks your ad that wants to see a relevant offer that adds value in his/her life. Therefore, you have a few seconds to explain to them that this is the right deal to grab. You can reach your target object with the help of a proper and well-constructed landing page. When you get the right landing page, your chances also increase to achieving a better ROI.

  • Keep Testing- keep in mind no one knows for sure how a creative, a copy, or even a segment in digital would end up working. That’s why carrying out A/B Test is always a good idea, especially in the beginning days of your account.

How to create an effective Facebook Ad Landing Page

  • Know your goal
  • Improve the visuals
  • Say No to distractions
  • Make the image count:- If you find ads on the internet or other social media sites which is different from the Facebook ads. When you are running a Facebook ad, you need a quality image to help your ad stand out from the rest. In order to build a successful Facebook ad campaign, it is difficult to have all the elements in the right place especially when the image is associated with your ad.

How to make you Ad Copy Stand Out?

  • Use Text creatively
  • Avoid choosing a random stock image
  • Be consistent on the Mission and Change accordingly
  • Leverage Video Ads- Facebook is giving huge importance to video ads. Even if your Facebook organic reach is declining, videos have a special place in its newsfeed where you can experience the better organic reach and higher engagement rates when compared to other types of content.
  • Build a Proper Sales Funnel-Your business can actually sell their products on Facebook with the help of organic content, paid ads, and some Facebook advertising tips. When you create a sales funnel for selling your products on Facebook that helps you to achieve your purpose. Significantly, the aim of the Facebook Sales Funnel is used to warm your audiences to pitching them a product or a service or on retargeting campaigns.

Facebook ads Mistakes

  • starting with no audience research – This mistake is too common for entrepreneurs starting out for the first time in Facebook ads. Researching the audience is the foundation of successful Facebook ads. If you don’t know your audience, your message won’t be relevant and a long series of negative consequences will make sure your ads fail.
  • Focusing on likes too much-Certainly, the number of likes is one of those indicators that can tell you how good you’re performing. However, shares are much more valuable because they reflect how many people advocate your brand
  • Lack of a unique value proposition-Before you launch a campaign, be sure that you’ve got something interesting to offer. An influential brand can instantly be separated itself as unique from its competition, and the owners of the business know exactly how to do that through its strong retailing messages mission statement. One of the best ways to find out your mission statement is to identify the UVP of your business, in other words, Unique Values Proposition.
  • Making long posts-People don’t like reading longer written words, especially if it’s one of many posts in their feeds. So, make your information short even if it means omitting important information. Just place a link leading to your blog so that people could learn more, instead of copying the whole text, because some users will not even look at what the text says after seeing how long it is.
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