Ways to Promote Small Business Online

10 Effective Ways to Promote Small Business Online

there are Ways to Promote Small Business Online but here I will discuss the important ones only. Most company owners and managers want to keep their products and/or services in front of their audience to increase sales and There are many ways to do that, but you need to choose the economical ways in order to sustain in the market. Alike others, you are in the market to sell your products and/or services. If your budget is limited, then no need to worry as it is still achievable for you to significantly promote your business without spending a lot of money.

1. Start with an SEO plan

SEO services will help you get organic search engine ranking, which will bring traffic to your website. SEO can be performed by yourself or if you want you can hire a digital marketing agency so that you get the most dependable services. Avoid black hat SEO activities such as link farmingkeyword cannibalization among others to maintain your authenticity in front of search engines.

Some popular SEO activities for

  • Social Bookmarking
  • Forum Submission
  • Blog Directory Submission
  • Article & Guest Post Submission
  • Question and Answer
  • Video Submission
  • Image Submission, etc.

The one and only SEO advice that I would definitely give you is to make high-quality relevant content. Content is king. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, if you want to get ultimate results with SEO, you need relevant content. Either hire expert editors or sharpen your writing skills but make sure to publish highly informative and valuable content for your target audience.

2. Be active on social media

There are a number of advantages of having up-to-date social media profile and being active on them. keep posting frequently on them and assure you get sufficient customer engagement. Like, comment and share others post and invite them to do so, thus you will increase traffic and conversions. Consider Facebook advertising, LinkedIn advertising, youtube video promotion services among others to get huge traffic in no time.

3. Write blogs regularly

Write blogs frequently and publish them on your website. While publishing, you should not forget using internal linking as well as external linking. Fresh and quality blog contents invite Google Crawlers to crawl. Blogging has been considered as an easy, inexpensive way to enhance your inbound marketing efforts, boost traffic to your site and attract more prospective customers.

Some Benefits of blogging

  • Boost SEO
  • Improve branding
  • Make direct communication
  • Connect with people
  • Improve traffic

4. Write press releases

When your organization does something newsworthy, do not forget to shoot off a press release. Journalists and media outlets pick up your release and publish. This way you improve inbound links for your organization, which is helpful for improving organic ranking. It is also an economical way as there are many PR sites allowing you to publish your PRs for free. All you need to do is create an account and write a high-quality press release.

Scout down the journalists that write regarding your industry find out their contact information, connect with them and pitch your idea to them. Keep a record of what they are writing about, what trends you can see in their writing and think about the way you can carry your communication to them. Whenever there is a significant milestone your company reaches, contact such journalists and persuade them to write about you. Getting featured by quality journalists and publications will increase your business’s credibility

5. Respond to your customers

Whether you receive an email or a comment on your social media account, respond immediately. This way you not only help the customers but also improve the overall online branding of your organization. Sometimes, you also might get a bad or negative comment, so be careful and resolve issues of customers who are not satisfied.

6. Send newsletters

First, collect email addresses of your potential customers and then start sending online newsletters regularly. The newsletters will coax them to take action and fill in up online query form. So, write actionable newsletters and thus you can passively promote your business to people that you are in contact with on a daily basis.

7. Share Your Content on Quora

Startups should produce some inbound links through sites like Medium and Quora. This will not only help them collect some important traffic but also gain traction on Google’s SERPs. This is useful for organizations with less than 2 years old domain with little authority built up. Once you publish the post, distribute it on your social media channels for engagement and traffic.

Quora Akash Majumder
Marketing Source – Quora

9.Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a great way to showcase your product or service to an already loyal fan base, in other an influencer with a good follower base promotes your product or services based on your requirements. I have seen people getting a great response on influencer marketing and has prominently become the prime source of sales and traffic.

I have also used influencer marketing for my e-commerce business, as you can see in the following image. I have used an Instagram influencer to drive sales.

swamic lifestyle
Source – Swamic Lifestyle

So, as you can see influencer marketing do work. And If you also want to grow your business, then you can start with these marketing tactics. ZoomedIn Pixel is a pillar influencer marketing company, if you want to contact them then click the button below.

10. Build a Word of Mouth

Whether you are running a business in a small community or in a big city centre, word of mouth is more important than before for business. Most consumers turn to the internet to look for business reviews before deciding where to shop, so building a good reputation is very important for the success of your business.

How do you get positive news by word of mouth? By providing good, professional services, building and monitoring your local reputation (and online), and getting publicity by giving back to your community by supporting/sponsoring local organizations and charities.


Although there are many powerful social media marketing strategies to grow your business online I think for a small business the above point are the most crucial one. All you have to do is to think out of the box, be original and use these points with the advice of professionals. Some of these suggestions will generate results instantly, while some might take a few weeks or months before you start noticing results.

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